Friday, January 29, 2010


Where do i start?  I was living the life, I had some money, from student loans, I didnt have a job of course.  All summer long it was playing baseball, going to the cabin, and doing whatever i wanted, whenever i wanted, without a care in the world.  Then it all went down........

I had a cold for a couple weeks, just a cold, nothing to worry about, it progressivly got worse, didnt really think anything of it, i got colds all the time.  I woke up one morning and my neck was swollen, still felt shitty, so at this point it was time to go to the doc.  So, I went home to Northfield to the clinic, not expecting anything but for the doctor to give me some med's and tell me to go home and get some rest.  That's exactly what happened.  They took my blood, gave me a strep test, the usual things.  The machine that does whatever it does with your blood wasnt working so they couldnt tell me what my blood counts were, but the doc said it probably wasnt anything.  So I got my med's and went home, feeling shitty, but better that the doc said it wasnt anything to worry about. 

After about 45 minutes of sitting at home, complaining to my parents that i didnt feel good and that, "this sucks, i hate being sick" like I was 12 again, the doc called and asked to talk to my mother. 

(When a doctor calls and asks to talk to your mother, it cant be good.)

The doctor told my mom that it was either mono or Luekemia, haha, one end of the spectrum to the other.  My mom told me this once she got off the phone, i was shocked, i didnt have the words to say anything at all, i didnt know what to do, I immidiatley thought that i was going to die, I had cancer.  My parents and sisters assured me that it was'nt Luekemia, for sure it was mono.  The doctor told my mom that i was to go up to Abbot Northwestern Hospital for additional blood work and some other tests.  I didnt know what to think, I had to go outside and get some fresh air, although it was raining, it was needed.  I just stood there thinking about all of the things that i could've done to prevent this, and i could'nt think of any.  Maybe i had too many beers this summer, maybe too many late night's, anything, but i could'nt find anything.  I had lots of things running through my head.

Later that evening my sister Amy took me up to Abbot Northwestern hospital to get additional blood work done and a ton of other tests.  I hated hospital's, before this i refused to go there for anything, just didnt like to be in them, I didnt think anything good came from them.  I got over that very quickly.  As i sat in this hospital bed watching the few channels that were offered on the tv I was alone with my sister and my thoughts.  Not for long.  It was only about an hour or two after I had gotten there, before my friends showed up.  I think there were eight of them or so.  Without the results from my blood work back I didnt really have much to tell them, it didnt matter to them, they were there, and they were going to be there, no matter what.  It was a great feeling. 

The next morning I woke up, had to sleep at the hospital, didnt like it much, so I didnt sleep too well.  I woke up to a large unfamiliar face staring at me, saying "good morning", in a African accent.  In a drousy stouper all i could muster was a simple, "Hey, how's it going?"  Well this giant of a man proceeded to tell me his name, which I forgot, that it was indeed Luekemia that i have and not mono. 

It's differnet when your mom tells you that you have mono or Luekemia than it is when a doctor tells you that you have Luekemia.  When my mom told me I was scared, and didnt know where my life was headed, when my doctor told me, I was calm and just wanted to know what was next, and lets move forward, i'm sick, i'm going to need some treatmant, so lets get started. 

That day I was moved into the chemo section of the hospital, and started my chemo. 

For an entire month, four weeks, I spent in a hospital room, all day, all night, shitty tv, TONS of friends.

This is just some background of my situation and whatnot.  I started this blog basically so I have something to do, and to let people know what i've done and what i'm doing now, any ideas let me know. 

For now, this is the first post, my first ever, disregard the grammatical error's and the spelling.  I'm just trying to get something posted, i'm under a lot of pressure here, my reader's want something read.  I'm going to try and post something everyday about my experieces and what i'm doing now, things like that.

Anyway's, first post, here you go.......

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